Automatic Hydrocarbon Oil Index Workstation

Mineral oil (or Hydrocarbon oil) in water samples is determined by liquid-liquid extraction, followed by a clean-up step on Florisil and GC-FID analysis. 

Environmental contamination by hydrocarbon index is one of the most important applications in environmental analysis.


Solution overviews

The workstation can automatize extraction and clean-up of mineral oil in water samples according with EN ISO 9377-2. The automatic extraction starts from 16 ml of sample, to wich is added 2 ml of hexane; everything is mixed by vortex for 1 minute.

The clean-up procedure uses Tip dispersive SPE  instead of classical column chromatography or solid phase extraction. The sample is dried over sodium sulphate and cleaned by passing over Florisil. Florisil permits to remove more polar, co-extracted analytes, such us lipids, chlorinated substances and more. 

The mixtures of salts are putted into disposable tips that can guarantee an efficient dispersive solid phase extraction.

The extraction process is faster, more reliable, and easier. This enables time and labor savings, while improving consistency and repeatability of the extraction

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Key features

  • Easy to use: Automatic hydrocarbon oil index workstation can be easily setted-up using Chronos. Chronos software permits to set-up intuitively analytical methods in few minutes.
  • Productivity:
    • Use of double tray holders (patented by Labotics Italia) permit a twice capacity of samples storage.
    • Ability to add sample capacity to your lab without adding staff or paying overtime.
  • Flexibility: Different configurations can guarantee different throughputs, starting from few samples per day up to 1 sample in 5 minutes for extraction and clean-up.
  • Other benefits: Improve workplace safety and reduce the impact your lab operation currently has on the environment.

Implementation phases

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Labotics’ solutions automate and optimize laboratory processes, enhancing productivity, repeatability, and safety while reducing environmental impact. Designed to meet the diverse analytical needs; our technologies ensure efficiency and precision at every operational step.